Legal Blog

Case overview

“Site and Go!” had the unique opportunity to partner with a client seeking to establish a digital presence in the legal sphere through the creation of a blog: “” The objective was to provide an accessible platform that demystifies complex legal topics, laws, and proceedings, and presents them in a user-friendly format.

The Brief

The client requested a blog that would be engaging, easy to navigate, and able to handle a diverse range of topics related to law and legal proceedings.

The primary audience was to be laypeople seeking to understand complex legal concepts and processes.

The client also wanted to incorporate a feature that allowed users to ask questions directly and receive responses from legal experts. Furthermore, they wanted an effective marketing strategy to maximize visibility and attract a substantial number of visitors.

Our Approach

Our vision at “Site and Go!” was to create a blog that was both functional and visually appealing. We aimed to design an intuitive user interface, ensuring ease of access to different categories and topics.

To engage users, we envisioned incorporating interactive elements like a Q&A feature and an option for users to subscribe to receive updates on specific areas of interest. We also planned to integrate a comment section to foster discussions and encourage community building.

In terms of marketing, we aimed to apply robust SEO strategies, content marketing, and social media promotion to increase the visibility of

Implemented Features

Key features we implemented on included:

  1. User-Friendly Interface: This ensured easy navigation and access to a variety of law-related topics.
  2. Interactive Q&A Feature: This allowed users to ask questions directly on the site and receive answers from legal experts.
  3. Subscription Service: This feature enabled users to receive updates on their areas of interest.
  4. Comment Section: This facilitated discussion and encouraged community engagement.

Achieved Results

The blog saw outstanding growth in several key areas within the first six months post-launch:
  1. Visitors: There was a 300% increase in unique visitors, demonstrating the blog’s reach and the successful adoption of the marketing strategies implemented.
  2. Views: The number of page views per visitor increased by 200%, indicating that users were engaging with multiple pieces of content during each visit.
  3. Returning Visitors: We saw a substantial increase of 250% in the number of returning visitors, demonstrating the blog’s value to users and its ability to foster a sense of community.
Conclusion The collaboration between “Site and Go!” and resulted in the successful launch of an accessible, engaging, and popular legal blog. The unique features implemented and effective marketing strategies employed have helped the blog to significantly expand its audience, increase engagement, and position itself as a trusted resource in the legal sphere. This success story exemplifies our ability to deliver innovative and high-performing digital solutions tailored to the unique needs of our clients.


Increase in unique visitors




Returning Visitors