Uoppl.com. Trendy goods store

Case overview

“Site and Go!” recently undertook a project for “Uoppl.com,” a popular purveyor of trendy goods, to transition their business from a traditional retail model to a digital one. With the evolving retail dynamics and a need to expand their market reach, Uoppl.com entrusted our team to bring their fashionable and diverse product line online.


The Brief

Uoppl.com requested a vibrant, visually appealing, and user-friendly online store that could bring their eclectic range of trendy goods to life. They wanted the site to capture the brand’s youthful and dynamic energy. A key feature they desired was a virtual “try-on” functionality to allow customers to visualize how products might look before making a purchase.

Uoppl.com also asked for a strategic online marketing plan to increase brand visibility and boost sales.


Our Approach

“Site and Go!” set out to create a digital platform that was both functional and engaging. We wanted to translate Uoppl.com’s brick-and-mortar charm into an attractive and easy-to-navigate online store, infused with their brand’s personality.

We imagined a site where high-quality product imagery and detailed descriptions were complemented by a unique virtual “try-on” feature. This feature, we believed, would provide customers a novel and enjoyable shopping experience, thereby increasing conversions.

In addition, we aimed to establish a secure and hassle-free checkout process with multiple payment options. To foster customer loyalty, we envisioned implementing a rewards program where customers could earn points with every purchase.

A comprehensive digital marketing plan was also a part of our vision, comprising SEO, PPC, email marketing, and a strong social media presence.

Implemented Features

The critical features implemented on Uoppl.com included:

  1. Virtual “Try-On” Feature: This augmented reality functionality allows customers to visualize how certain items might look, providing a fun and immersive shopping experience.
  2. High-Quality Product Imagery and Detailed Descriptions: This feature helped customers understand the products better, leading to more informed purchase decisions.
  3. Secure Checkout Process: We integrated a variety of secure payment gateways to offer customers a smooth and safe checkout experience.
  4. Customer Loyalty Program: We set up a rewards system to encourage repeat purchases and customer loyalty.

Achieved Results

The transformation of Uoppl.com into a full-fledged e-commerce platform saw incredible growth in key performance metrics:

  1. Visitors: We saw a 250% increase in web traffic within the first six months of launching, indicating strong customer interest in Uoppl.com’s online store.
  2. Sales: The number of online sales rose significantly by 190%, reflecting the positive response to the site’s design and shopping experience.
  3. Profits: Online revenue surged by a remarkable 230% in the first six months, demonstrating the value and impact of the transition into the digital realm.


Increase in web traffic


Number of online sales




The project was a massive success for “Site and Go!” and Uoppl.com. The user-friendly design, unique features, and strategic marketing campaign combined to make Uoppl.com’s online venture a hit, significantly expanding their reach and increasing profits. This success story underscores our commitment to delivering innovative, customized, and high-performing digital solutions.